As I cross the milestone of 40, I find myself in a significant transformation, physically, emotionally and mentally. I’m in my second half of time and that makes me ponder with concern.

One of the most noticeable changes I discover about myself is I tend to be irritated and annoyed for minor infractions. My mind detests this attitude, but sometimes I just couldn’t stop them.

On the positive side, I no longer engage much in senseless arguments and debates. I am becoming more understanding and sensitive about my responses and reactions. I think relationships take priority as I become more aware of the value of my loved ones and friends. I learn to prioritize experiences and relationships.

The priorities I had in my 30s are in momentous adjustments too. My career goals have been shifted from high ambition to stability. I might feel less motivated to reach for other goals. I am brooding now about my retirement and funeral plans. I am scared of what is there at the end of the tunnel.

I could sense that my memory was not as sharp as before. I lost some words in the middle of a conversation, and sometimes I can hardly recall past memories. Also, I need to take notes on some important things to do at work because I’m afraid I might forget the next day. With this, it forces me to do regular exercise, explore new passions, and engage in creative mind pursuits.

I know that behind this change there is a biological factor that will never be controlled. These changes are inevitable, but they shouldn’t be daunting, right? Since I have already acknowledged these changes, I will try to focus on my personal growth while battling the fear of transformation.

We need self-care and support from others. You and I are not alone in this.


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